Monday, 24 February 2014

Earth To Ground Control

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Well the website move was over quite sometime ago ....but Ssshhhhh .....we won't discuss dates as that will disclose how "slack" I am at blogging!!!
Ok now that I am a bit more grounded this year .... "Blogging" is something I am aiming to improve in 2014.

I will work on blowing your minds with valuable information so that I have you coming back daily to see what's in store's hoping!

With eBooks and Photographic Workshops organised for 2014, if you have any input into what sort of Workshops you'd like to attend don't forget to drop me an email or please leave a
comment below. I'd love to hear your suggestions.

Each workshop below will run for 2-3 hour duration.
  •  Beginner Workshops - Learning how to get the basics right. Learn how to use Manual settings and getting out of Auto and create.
  • Night Photography - Shooting under low light conditions and the fun of Painting With Light.
  •  Landscape Photography - How to achieve a creative landscape, create your own masterpiece you'd be happy too hang on your wall at home.
  •  Sports Photography - Perhaps you'd like to improve those weekend photo's of your child's favourite sport? Learn how to capture sharp photo's of a moving subject.

These are some of the hands-on workshops that will be available this year.

What's your favourite photographic subject?

At the moment I feel about as grounded as this Submarine!!!! Hopefully that's a good thing and will work to my advantage in 2014!

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Friday, 30 August 2013

Website has been on the Move!

Apart from lots of images, products and other behind the scenes stuff, my website has now safely arrived at it's destination after a wrong turn or two!  Yay.....Woo Hoo!!!

Even though I may have a few more grey hairs then a couple of days ago (perhaps a few bald patches!!), thankfully the impulses to throw the computer out the window have also
I believe all the pain should be worth it in the long run.

I hope there hasn't been too much inconvenience in recent days as we disappeared off the map altogether for 24 hours or so. But from here on in, it should be smooth sailing.

Anyhow......there is much to do so I better get hoppin! :)

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Sunday, 18 August 2013

People's Choice Award

After a little persuasion, I entered a recent local photography competition in Gloucester, New South Wales. The competition was held in the local Art Gallery and exhibited for a few weeks. On opening night the judge's results were presented, and I was lucky enough to take out first place in the Natural Environment Category.
Throughout the duration of the exhibition the public had an option to pay to vote for their favourite image in the competition, and a People's Choice Award is tallied at the end of the exhibition.
I received a lovely phone call one evening after the completion of the exhibition, informing me I was the winner of the People's Choice Award and the (voting funds) that went with it.

Autumn Splendour - Natural Environment Category Winner

Sunrise On A Winter's Morn - People's Choice Award

If your in and around the Gloucester region pop into Perenti's located in the main street to view my next exhibition. I will be exhibiting images from my 'Travels through Australia' from August 22nd.

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Thursday, 20 June 2013

Getting my Blog up to date!

Long overdue to get my Blog back up to date.
I've travelled to some stunning parts of Oz since I posted last. I'll do my best to fill in the blanks. Hopefully if I post alot of images, they will tell the story!
In 2011 I travelled along the Eastern Coast of Australia through NSW and down to Victoria and along 'The Great Ocean Road' an awesome and very memorable trip.
Then achieving a childhood dream in 2012, I made the trip up the Stuart Highway to the Red Centre, the heart and soul of this amazing land....and finally reached Uluru.
So that one blog doesn't get too lengthy I'll break it up.
Hope you enjoy travelling through Australia with me :)

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2012 Up The Middle - Uluru

2012 Uluru Trip to come....
Yes I know I've been slack, but I'm onto it don't forget to watch this space :D
Here's a big sneak peek of what's in store!!!
This is what you'll find in the middle of this blog....Uluru!
I'll leave before and after Uluru for when I fill in the blanks soon. So like I've already sure and check back soon to see the full blog on my Up The Middle Road Trip ;)

 Taken along Lungkata Walk, one of the various base walks around Uluru, also called the 'teaching walk'. You will learn about Lungkata (the blue-tongued lizard man) and why you should not take what is not yours, also how one of Uluru's first visitors discovered the dangers of climbing Uluru.

A smoke filled sunset over Uluru. Juvenile and mature Casuarinas (She-Oak) trees stand in silhouette across the landscape.

Uluru literally lights up as the sun sets over the Red Centre. This truly spirtitual experience has to be seen to be believed, the heart and soul of Australia.

 The Brown Falcon is one of the magnificent birds of prey found in the drier regions of Australia.

What crazy things do you do on a 'milestone Birthday' ......well you do something that scares the wits out of you of course!!! Yes I did get into a helicopter on a 36 min flight to Uluru and Kata Tjuta! I did try to enjoy the process but also concentrated on taking photo's, so the time just flew...haha....s'cuse the pun. :) 

Aerial View looking over Kata Tjuta (The Olgas). Uluru, a fifty km drive from Kata Tjuta, can be seen in the distance, Northern Territory.

Aerial view looking over Kata Tjuta (The Olgas) with Uluru, a fifty km drive from Kata Tjuta, in the distance. Red Centre, Northern Territory.

 A spectacular sunset over Kata Tjuta (The Olgas) Northern Territory. The heart of Australia.

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2011 Great Ocean Road Trip

2011 Trip - Starts in Qld.....a good stop over in beautiful Gloucester NSW to catch up with friends then on to Sydney. I got to catch up with my eldest Bro, then headed down the coast to Bateman's Bay. The Bay brought back some nice childhood memories having spent school holidays here with my family in the past. My brother also decided to ride his motorcycle down for an overnight stay which was great, more time to catch up before heading further south.

  Looking down onto Bateman's Bay.

  Broulee Beach

  Casey Beach

 A must see near Bateman's Bay is Mogo Zoo.

Home of the gorgeous White Lions.

Unable to survive in the wild due to their colour. 

 It was nice to see the breeding program for African Giraffes was successful here, with a juvenile Giraffe sticking pretty close to mum.

  Ring Tail Lemurs keep an eye on things from their tree top view.

  Unique patterns on the male African Giraffe.

  Young Sumatran Tiger cub decides its time to play!
Leaving Bateman's Bay I drove through Narooma and ended up stopping for several hours, it was such a gorgeous place! When I drove down to the bridge that takes you through the town I was stunned at the pristine water. The name 'Narooma' is said to be derived from the Aboriginal word meaning ‘clear blue waters’ they sure got that right, as you can see from the photo is was beautiful.

I chatted to a local near the bridge who said there were seal lions and giant stingrays over at the boat jetty, so I headed along this great boardwalk that has fishing facilities along it and information about the inhabitants of the water.

 The seagrass along the boardwalk here is home to seahorses...pretty cool ay!
 Well when I got to the jetty, I wasn't disappointed. There were a number of sea lions and giant stingrays hovering around the edge of the water where the fisherman clean their catch, hoping to get a free feed.
The giant stingrays came in very close and the sea lions were not phased swimming around right above them.

 This cheeky sea lion came right up to the fisherman and tried to get his freshly filleted fish for lunch!
A rather large sea lion had taken residence on this jetty and was enjoying basking in the sunshine.


It was hard to leave Narooma, but I made a mental note to come back again.
Heading for Eden a lovely coastal town near the Victorian border on Twofold Bay. Originally the town was settled by whalers, but now a fishing port.
Eden is one of the few places in the world that Humpback Whales feed on their migratory route. The waters are rich with krill and the whales quite often stop and feed. Whale watching cruises operate from late September through to late November.
There are also some great locations around Eden which allow shore-based whale watching.
The Eden Killer Whale Museum sounds a siren when whales are in close proximity to vantage points around Twofold Bay. Eden is a beautiful part of Oz, steeped in history, and well worth a visit if your travelling this way.

Aslings Beach in Twofold Bay, Eden
Eden is a popular fishing port.

Looking up at Ben Boyd's Tower. Originally designed and built in 1847 as a lighthouse, it was only ever used as a lookout for whale spotting.

 Looking out at the Tasman Sea from Ben Boyd's Tower is crystal clear, just amazing.

Back on the road.....and across the border into Victoria, next stop Lakes Entrance.
Lakes Entrance is situated between Bairnsdale and Orbost at a man-made channel that links Bass Strait and the Tasman Sea with the 400 square kilometre network of inland waterways known as the Gippsland Lakes.
A very popular all year round tourist destination. The main Esplanade runs along the shoreline of the Cunninghame Arm inlet, with marinas and attractive foreshore gardens on one side, and a good selection of shops, restaurants and accommodation options on the other side.
A walk across the popular landmark footbridge, which crosses Cunninghame Arm, links the town centre with the sand dunes and windswept coastline of Bass Strait and Ninety Mile Beach.
If you love water activities or fishing, this is a must see destination.

 Looking down at Rigby Island and The Narrows and Ninety Mile Beach and Bass Strait in the distance.

 The Landmark Footbridge that connects Lakes Entrance with Cunninghame Arm and Ninety Mile Beach.

 The main Esplanade along Lakes Entrance is filled with marina's where you can purchase fresh seafood straight from the fishing trawlers.

 A stunning sunset over one of the jetties along the Esplanade.
Looking up the Esplanade from the landmark footbridge.

 The landmark footbridge taken from Cunninghame Arm after sunset.
 Sunrise at Lakes Entrance.
Early morning in the harbour.

Still to add....
Buchan Caves, Victoria.
Phillip Island, Victoria.
Great Ocean Road, Victoria including Otway Treetop Walk, 12 Apostles.
The Grampians, Victoria.
Then Echuca....below. So please check back soon, as there will be more to see! ;)

 Looking down to the Port of Echuca where they were at the time restoring a lot of the old wharf.

 I enjoyed a lovely cruise up the Murray River aboard this majestic old paddle steamer Emmylou.

 The Pride of the Murray heads towards the bridge that borders the two States of NSW and Victoria.

 Looking down the Murray on an overcast evening on dusk.
The old timber mill sits on the banks of the Murray River, Echuca.

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Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Preparing Your Property For Professional Photos

The information provided here is a guide to ensure your property is shown to its best advantage, so that you get maximum benefits and results from your professional property shoot.

Some things mentioned below may seem like the obvious, but it is the little things that are sometimes overlooked.

In general you should look at your property from a buyer’s perspective; whatever you find distracting or unappealing should be moved or fixed.
  • You need to ensure your property is cleaned and free from clutter. 
  • Mow lawns and weed gardens, prune bushes, etc 
  • Make any minor repairs to fixtures if necessary 
  • If you have a pool it should be sparkling clean 
  • Remove garbage bins from sight 
  • Remove all vehicles from driveway
  • Close garage doors
  • Remove any obvious oil stains from driveway
Remember you want the house to be the main focal point and make a great first impression

The inside is just as important as the outside of your property. The first thing you need to decide is which rooms you want featured in the photo shoot and ensure these rooms look the best they can.

Main rooms such as the kitchen, bathroom, living area and master bedroom are all essential to include:
  • Clean floors
  • Open windows and blinds to let light in
  • Replace any missing light bulbs and turn lights on
  • Clean all mirrors and windows
  • Turn all appliances off, such as TV
  • Place all toilet lids down
  • Replace old shower curtains (if necessary)
  • Remove all personal items from each room, to leave a clean uncluttered look.
  • Remove personal items from bathroom such as toothbrushes, shampoos, etc.
  • Make beds; hide clothing and unnecessary items in cupboards
  • Hide all electrical cables from view
  • Clear kitchen benches and remove all small appliances
  • Remove fridge magnets and items from front of fridge
In general remove all clutter from rooms being photographed and if possible decorate them

Example: Decorate your dining table with your best dinner setting and candles
  • Add some nice towels and soaps to bathrooms  
  • Fresh flowers always adds that nice touch

By following these simple guidelines your property will look at its best when photographed and be sure to attract far more positive attention.

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