The information provided here is a guide to ensure your property is shown to its best advantage, so that you get maximum benefits and results from your professional property shoot.
Some things mentioned below may seem like the obvious, but it is the little things that are sometimes overlooked.

In general you should look at your property from a buyer’s perspective; whatever you find distracting or unappealing should be moved or fixed.
- You need to ensure your property is cleaned and free from clutter.
- Mow lawns and weed gardens, prune bushes, etc
- Make any minor repairs to fixtures if necessary
- If you have a pool it should be sparkling clean
- Remove garbage bins from sight
- Remove all vehicles from driveway
- Close garage doors
- Remove any obvious oil stains from driveway

- Clean floors
- Open windows and blinds to let light in
- Replace any missing light bulbs and turn lights on
- Clean all mirrors and windows
- Turn all appliances off, such as TV
- Place all toilet lids down
- Replace old shower curtains (if necessary)
- Remove all personal items from each room, to leave a clean uncluttered look.
- Remove personal items from bathroom such as toothbrushes, shampoos, etc.
- Make beds; hide clothing and unnecessary items in cupboards
- Hide all electrical cables from view
- Clear kitchen benches and remove all small appliances
- Remove fridge magnets and items from front of fridge
Example: Decorate your dining table with your best dinner setting and candles
- Add some nice towels and soaps to bathrooms
- Fresh flowers always adds that nice touch

By following these simple guidelines your property will look at its best when photographed and be sure to attract far more positive attention.