Monday, 24 February 2014

Earth To Ground Control

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Well the website move was over quite sometime ago ....but Ssshhhhh .....we won't discuss dates as that will disclose how "slack" I am at blogging!!!
Ok now that I am a bit more grounded this year .... "Blogging" is something I am aiming to improve in 2014.

I will work on blowing your minds with valuable information so that I have you coming back daily to see what's in store's hoping!

With eBooks and Photographic Workshops organised for 2014, if you have any input into what sort of Workshops you'd like to attend don't forget to drop me an email or please leave a
comment below. I'd love to hear your suggestions.

Each workshop below will run for 2-3 hour duration.
  •  Beginner Workshops - Learning how to get the basics right. Learn how to use Manual settings and getting out of Auto and create.
  • Night Photography - Shooting under low light conditions and the fun of Painting With Light.
  •  Landscape Photography - How to achieve a creative landscape, create your own masterpiece you'd be happy too hang on your wall at home.
  •  Sports Photography - Perhaps you'd like to improve those weekend photo's of your child's favourite sport? Learn how to capture sharp photo's of a moving subject.

These are some of the hands-on workshops that will be available this year.

What's your favourite photographic subject?

At the moment I feel about as grounded as this Submarine!!!! Hopefully that's a good thing and will work to my advantage in 2014!

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